
When Preschoolers Begin to Exert Their Independence

Your preschooler refuses to leave his friend’s house, ignores your request to put away toys, and pushes his trucks down the stairs despite your repeated instructions not to. Why is he being so defiant? As parents we undoubtedly face times when our child defies our requests. Every preschooler will from time to time have problems abiding by rules. This can be frustrating for a parent, especially if it causes delays in schedules, being late to appointments, completing tasks around the house, or even concerns for his safety. Defiance of rules is a natural occurrence for young children who are beginning to assert their independence. Remember that we should be understanding, set limits and reinforce good behavior. For more information on addressing defiance in your child you can check out this website:

Addressing Defiance

Defiance of rules is a natural occurrence for young children who are beginning to assert their independence.
